Thursday, January 31, 2008

Broken Promise

I fess up. About three minutes ago, I opened a Pepsi. The first one since September. It tastes better than I remember. So much sugary, acidy, carbonated goodness...

I remember telling myself, "no soda until you've lost 30 lbs. That should be around January 31st". Well, I've lost a whole whopping 10, then gained back 4 or 5, then lost a few. I'm in a constant state of flux between here and there. I have been good, I have perservered - yet I have not won the battle of the bulge. I made it through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years' never touching a soda.

You might say that I've given in or you given up. I disagree. I have limited my caloric intake to 1200-1550 calories on most days (yeah there's a few that hit 2000-2200). I've exercised more than before by walking 2 miles 2-3 times a week. Obviously, this system ain't workin' for me.

So, I talked to one of my accountability people. She said, 'Ok how about you can only have one soda a week, or limit yourself to weekends?' That's a thought. I mean, if I'm eating pizza I've got to have a root beer, right?

Tea, water and juice have been my friends for the last 19 weeks. I've come to love them and I'll continue drinking my eight required glasses of water for good health.

At some point, I'm going to join Curves again. That was a great workout for me and it's fun. If I do that 4 times a week, I'm sure to see some results. I still have to limit my calories (well, fat intake and sodium intake are my worst offenders). And, I discovered I still have quite a few workout DVDs that have been used once or twice. Time to make those more useful.

I'm continuing to use It's a free site that helps you track your food intake and your exercise, and much more.

So, what have I learned over the last four months?
1. I love water and all that it does for my skin.
2. Raw spinach is way better than cooked spinach.
3. I can stick to a goal.
4. My friends will support me in my goals.
5. I love to walk, especially listening to Pastor Ken's sermons on my ipod.
6. My blood pressure is more in control and my acid reflux is better than it was.
7. My clothes fit better.
8. I know I can walk a little over 2 miles in 40 minutes or less.
9. A double cheeseburger at McDonalds is actually not that bad for you - and they're only $1. It's the fries that getcha.
10. Slimfast shakes taste pretty darn good.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

It's ok Krista. I still love you. Here's my advice take it, leave it or use some of it:
IF I'm going to have a soda, it's one can a day.
Diet only.
Alternative to Pepsi = Pepsi Max. After not having a real Pepsi in a long time, Max tastes pretty darn close to what I remember. And when I do have a sip of the real thing, it's too sweet and syrupy.
Before I have a soda, I make myself drink X amount of water.

I think that's it.