This is a story about a 30-something girl trying to figure out who, what, where, when, why and how. It's always something, isn't it?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I've been in mourning
I haven't been posting lately - ever since I heard that Kevin was getting married life hasn't seemed quite as sunny. :(
But seriously, congrats to adorable Kevin and his new ....ahem.... wife.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tea Time
Last night I went to a tea for an awesome friend of mine in honor of her upcoming wedding. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? It was neat to see people I hadn't seen in a while and have tea and dessert while catching up.
Then the games began - well, more like an open discussion with prizes. I was assured it was everyone-friendly meaning the questions would be open to married and single ladies. Turns out, not so much. Sadly, I kept wanting to get up and go because everyone there was either married, engaged, had been engaged or in a long-term relationship or at least had a steady boyfriend. I felt really out of place. I have none of those and feel pretty alone right now. Doesn't help that the night before I was at a dinner/movie with all couples except me.
I know I'm the minority in the group - I get that - and it still makes me feel like crap sometimes.
This single life is hard! Sure there are the freedoms of being able to do whatever I want when I want but, but....
Besides, the pats on the back and the sad face sideways glances don't really help anymore. The 'you just haven't met the right one' business is an easy out kind of answer too. Why not? I've prayed and I've asked people to pray. I've joined at least five or six dating websites. Nothing has clicked. It's borderline ridiculous.
In the meantime, I get through each day, week, month hoping that this is the holiday season that I can bring home a guy for my family to meet. It hurts. It breaks my heart. But I press on.
Then the games began - well, more like an open discussion with prizes. I was assured it was everyone-friendly meaning the questions would be open to married and single ladies. Turns out, not so much. Sadly, I kept wanting to get up and go because everyone there was either married, engaged, had been engaged or in a long-term relationship or at least had a steady boyfriend. I felt really out of place. I have none of those and feel pretty alone right now. Doesn't help that the night before I was at a dinner/movie with all couples except me.
I know I'm the minority in the group - I get that - and it still makes me feel like crap sometimes.
This single life is hard! Sure there are the freedoms of being able to do whatever I want when I want but, but....
Besides, the pats on the back and the sad face sideways glances don't really help anymore. The 'you just haven't met the right one' business is an easy out kind of answer too. Why not? I've prayed and I've asked people to pray. I've joined at least five or six dating websites. Nothing has clicked. It's borderline ridiculous.
In the meantime, I get through each day, week, month hoping that this is the holiday season that I can bring home a guy for my family to meet. It hurts. It breaks my heart. But I press on.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Checked Out
I know. Where on earth did I go? I've been here and there and everywhere else, just not here. I realized this is the place where I would complain or boast or cry out or be silly. It really has no purpose for me. Plus I'm way more private than some and I'm getting worse. Call it maturity, call it realizing nobody really wants to hear all of my daily activities or events call it laziness - I don't know.
Sure there's been lots of highs and definitely some lows but I haven't wanted to share it with the world, only my closest friends. Whatever happened to physical interaction? I miss that.
I like the idea of having a voice though, knowing that at any time I can sit and type out what I'm thinking or going through. The problem with me blogging it is - I'll get it all out and it's done. I won't go back and do follow-up unless someone asks. I am really trying not to dwell too long on fleeting worries and broken relationships. Most of the time I think, "I should just sit down and get this all out" and then I sleep on it. Sure enough, the next morning I think, "Wow, good thing I didn't get that all out, I would have really been mean or whiney or something."
I know that's the whole purpose of being able to journal, but when it's all out there for everyone to read you take a BIG chance in hurting someone or saying something inappropriate. That's the polar opposite of my life's goals.
So after all that, am I going to continue my blog? I don't know. I've been really thinking of starting over and making one with a purpose that I can be passionate about. Like foreign travel or biographical stuff or tv shows or books - yeah, that sounds good.
Sure there's been lots of highs and definitely some lows but I haven't wanted to share it with the world, only my closest friends. Whatever happened to physical interaction? I miss that.
I like the idea of having a voice though, knowing that at any time I can sit and type out what I'm thinking or going through. The problem with me blogging it is - I'll get it all out and it's done. I won't go back and do follow-up unless someone asks. I am really trying not to dwell too long on fleeting worries and broken relationships. Most of the time I think, "I should just sit down and get this all out" and then I sleep on it. Sure enough, the next morning I think, "Wow, good thing I didn't get that all out, I would have really been mean or whiney or something."
I know that's the whole purpose of being able to journal, but when it's all out there for everyone to read you take a BIG chance in hurting someone or saying something inappropriate. That's the polar opposite of my life's goals.
So after all that, am I going to continue my blog? I don't know. I've been really thinking of starting over and making one with a purpose that I can be passionate about. Like foreign travel or biographical stuff or tv shows or books - yeah, that sounds good.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Life in Song
This looked fun! I'm using U2 songs (and album titles)
Using only song titles (covers count) from only one artist, cleverly answer these questions.
1. Are you male or female: Big Girls Are Best
2. Describe yourself: One Step Closer
3. How do you feel about yourself: Running to Stand Still
4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: The Refugee
5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
6. Describe your current location: Where the Streets Have No Name
7. Describe where you want to be: In God's Country
8. Your best friends are: Sweetest Thing
9. Your favorite color is: Indian Summer Sky
10. You know that: Some Days Are Better Than Others
11. What's the weather?: Beautiful Day
12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: When I Look At the World
Using only song titles (covers count) from only one artist, cleverly answer these questions.
1. Are you male or female: Big Girls Are Best
2. Describe yourself: One Step Closer
3. How do you feel about yourself: Running to Stand Still
4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: The Refugee
5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
6. Describe your current location: Where the Streets Have No Name
7. Describe where you want to be: In God's Country
8. Your best friends are: Sweetest Thing
9. Your favorite color is: Indian Summer Sky
10. You know that: Some Days Are Better Than Others
11. What's the weather?: Beautiful Day
12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: When I Look At the World
Friday, March 20, 2009
I am NOT a Phoenix
I'm looking into taking classes online to get my degree in a specialized field and do it faster than junior college. So, I went onto University of Phoenix's website to check into the cost. Well..of course they ask for contact info (which I hate giving out) but I thought "what's the harm? maybe they'll call once and that will be the end of it". Yeah....
Oh yes, they called once, then twice and then three times. I answered the third time and said I really couldn't talk then and I just wanted to know pricing. They said they would call back. And they did...24 times in 10 days!! I sent them to voicemail each time. It was kind of fun, for a while.
So the fun part - they called on a totally different number yesterday. I answered and the guy started to explain who he was. I stopped him and said, "oh you changed numbers to try and trick me huh? *chuckle* I thought you folks would give up after trying 24 times". Silence.
Then he said, "Ma'am, this is the first time I've called." Okay, he is either the new guy that got stuck with my number or he was lying. Either way, I made him take me off their call list and my phone has been blissfully quiet ever since.
Oh yes, they called once, then twice and then three times. I answered the third time and said I really couldn't talk then and I just wanted to know pricing. They said they would call back. And they did...24 times in 10 days!! I sent them to voicemail each time. It was kind of fun, for a while.
So the fun part - they called on a totally different number yesterday. I answered and the guy started to explain who he was. I stopped him and said, "oh you changed numbers to try and trick me huh? *chuckle* I thought you folks would give up after trying 24 times". Silence.
Then he said, "Ma'am, this is the first time I've called." Okay, he is either the new guy that got stuck with my number or he was lying. Either way, I made him take me off their call list and my phone has been blissfully quiet ever since.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This is an email I sent out to my women's small group last night at about 11:03 - 10 minutes later I got the call that he passed away. I will miss him terribly but the truth is I was already missing him. Now he is at peace and is probably bugging God about what He wants done around the gardens!
Hi all, I know you've all heard me talk about my grandpa and have prayed for him from time to time. As you know, he is very special to me and I love being able to visit with him weekly. In mid-January we celebrated his 89th birthday. He was in the best of moods and was very happy to be around all of his family and a few friends.
Since then, we have watched his health and mental capacity deteriorate. He consistently gets frustrated by his lack of independence and his inability to speak or eat due to the mouth cancer surgery he had two years ago. The last two visits I had with him, he showed signs of great confusion. His doctor confirmed that he has developed dementia. He also has told us all that he wants to just give up.
On Saturday, he had a fall and fractured his hip. We took him to the hospital and he has since been admitted. A CT scan found a large aortic aneurysm. There is no guarantee that he would even make it through surgery nor would we want to put him through any more procedures. At this point, we are treasuring the time we have left with him be it days, weeks or longer.
I went by to visit him tonight. He was resting but I could tell he is very weak. He is not eating and we know he just wants to go Home to be with God. His doctor has asked the hospital to make him as comfortable as possible. My family is ready to say good-bye and we're happy for him to soon be free of pain and limitations.
For now, life goes on as usual - staying positive that God's timing is perfect.
It's strange, you know we've been talking about God's promptings and I know for a fact that in those promptings is discernment. When I visited my grandpa in December, I walked out of his room with a strong sense that he wouldn't last more than three more months. I know God prepared me for this reality so that I could be strong.
I have been blessed to call this man my Grandpa. I've often said I have the cutest Grandpa in the world! He's been a wonderful example of a loving husband, father and man of God to me. Thank you all for being there for me. I hope to see you all at bible study tomorrow night. If I don't make it, know that I'll be with you in spirit! :)
Hi all, I know you've all heard me talk about my grandpa and have prayed for him from time to time. As you know, he is very special to me and I love being able to visit with him weekly. In mid-January we celebrated his 89th birthday. He was in the best of moods and was very happy to be around all of his family and a few friends.
Since then, we have watched his health and mental capacity deteriorate. He consistently gets frustrated by his lack of independence and his inability to speak or eat due to the mouth cancer surgery he had two years ago. The last two visits I had with him, he showed signs of great confusion. His doctor confirmed that he has developed dementia. He also has told us all that he wants to just give up.
On Saturday, he had a fall and fractured his hip. We took him to the hospital and he has since been admitted. A CT scan found a large aortic aneurysm. There is no guarantee that he would even make it through surgery nor would we want to put him through any more procedures. At this point, we are treasuring the time we have left with him be it days, weeks or longer.
I went by to visit him tonight. He was resting but I could tell he is very weak. He is not eating and we know he just wants to go Home to be with God. His doctor has asked the hospital to make him as comfortable as possible. My family is ready to say good-bye and we're happy for him to soon be free of pain and limitations.
For now, life goes on as usual - staying positive that God's timing is perfect.
It's strange, you know we've been talking about God's promptings and I know for a fact that in those promptings is discernment. When I visited my grandpa in December, I walked out of his room with a strong sense that he wouldn't last more than three more months. I know God prepared me for this reality so that I could be strong.
I have been blessed to call this man my Grandpa. I've often said I have the cutest Grandpa in the world! He's been a wonderful example of a loving husband, father and man of God to me. Thank you all for being there for me. I hope to see you all at bible study tomorrow night. If I don't make it, know that I'll be with you in spirit! :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The story about the door and the door
This is ironically funny now, but yesterday it was not so funny.
Background: My sister bought a nice internal door for our old rental and cut a hole in the bottom for the cats (a kitty door, if you will) so that she could close her door and the cats could roam in and out to visit the cat box. When we moved, she of course took the door with her but has decided not to use it in the new house because there is no need since we're keeping the cat box in the bathroom.
Yesterday, we were having our new stove delivered because the stove in the house was shot, the flirtatious and somewhat annoying delivery guy described it as "blown up". Well after deciding the stove wouldn't fit without some counter tops being cut into and the cabinets too, my dad and I thought it best to keep the stove in the garage and therefore, I opened the garage door. So delivery guy wanted to inspect the stove, realized it was damaged and loaded it back on his truck.
My dad and I chatted a bit then he said, well I'm going to head out so you'd better close the garage door. Ok dad :)
I pressed the button to close it and I heard the fateful 'CRUNCH!'. I pressed the button again to stop it but it was too late. From best we could tell, the bedroom door was standing upright close to the garage door. When the garage door went up, it must have made the bedroom door slip into its way.
I grabbed my camera to take pictures and dad grabbed a hammer and a ladder to try to fix it. Unfortunately, the damage was beyond what we could fix. Now, I wouldn't be so concerned but the garage door was stuck open, it would not close at all. Crap, all I need is for some of the local riff raff to steal things from my open garage. I got on the phone to call a garage door repair man. Luckily there was one available and he was over in about half an hour!
So, $400 bucks later the garage door is fixed, the controller is re-programmed and we have new remotes.
But most importantly, we got some great advice - always keep everything at least 1 and 1/2 feet away from the garage door and...make sure it's clear before you close it.
Background: My sister bought a nice internal door for our old rental and cut a hole in the bottom for the cats (a kitty door, if you will) so that she could close her door and the cats could roam in and out to visit the cat box. When we moved, she of course took the door with her but has decided not to use it in the new house because there is no need since we're keeping the cat box in the bathroom.
Yesterday, we were having our new stove delivered because the stove in the house was shot, the flirtatious and somewhat annoying delivery guy described it as "blown up". Well after deciding the stove wouldn't fit without some counter tops being cut into and the cabinets too, my dad and I thought it best to keep the stove in the garage and therefore, I opened the garage door. So delivery guy wanted to inspect the stove, realized it was damaged and loaded it back on his truck.
My dad and I chatted a bit then he said, well I'm going to head out so you'd better close the garage door. Ok dad :)
I pressed the button to close it and I heard the fateful 'CRUNCH!'. I pressed the button again to stop it but it was too late. From best we could tell, the bedroom door was standing upright close to the garage door. When the garage door went up, it must have made the bedroom door slip into its way.
I grabbed my camera to take pictures and dad grabbed a hammer and a ladder to try to fix it. Unfortunately, the damage was beyond what we could fix. Now, I wouldn't be so concerned but the garage door was stuck open, it would not close at all. Crap, all I need is for some of the local riff raff to steal things from my open garage. I got on the phone to call a garage door repair man. Luckily there was one available and he was over in about half an hour!
So, $400 bucks later the garage door is fixed, the controller is re-programmed and we have new remotes.
But most importantly, we got some great advice - always keep everything at least 1 and 1/2 feet away from the garage door and...make sure it's clear before you close it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
2008 in a nutshell
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Started the process of buying a house!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? They were more like promises to myself - that reminds me, I need to close those out and start a new list. Hmm. let's see - I did take at least one class every semester at MJC and I did read at least one book a month throughout the year. It really got me back into reading for pleasure instead of homework or work bonus assignments.
3.Did anyone close to you give birth? No one close, but there were a lot of babies born.
4.Did anyone close to you die? :( My good friend and a personal role model, Olive Lindquist. I loved that lady. My great uncle died too but I wasn't as close to him as I am to his wife who I see 3-4 times a month.
5.What countries did you visit? Just the USA this year. But, one of my '09 promises will be to get my stinkin passport!
6.What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? the house, a boyfriend/relationship would be nice!
7.What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?May 22nd when I lost my job, June 20th at my birthday party, June 27th when a guy I know tore up his friendship card with me (it was already ripped), Aug 14 when Angela moved to Alaska :( and Sept when I finally spoke up about my feelings, November when I met some of my favorite daytime actors.
8.What was your biggest achievement of the year? Gaining 6 more college units, speaking up, getting my new job and passing my insurance exam, and getting the guts to buy a house.
9.What was your biggest failure? Not keeping up with friends as well as I used to.
10.Did you suffer illness or injury? Oye, I had a horrible allergic reaction, a couple of colds and the flu that was awful!!
11.What was the best thing you bought? hopefully a house!
12.Where did most of your money go? clothes, food, bills, car
13.What did you get really, really, really excited about? Getting the new job
14.What song will always remind you of 2008? LOW by Flo-Rida!! LOL!!
15.Compared to this time last year, are you:
(a) Happier or Sadder? Same
(b) Thinner or Fatter? fatter. bleh.
(c) Richer or Poorer? poorer
16.What do you wish you’d done more of? Paid off stuff, read my bible.
17.What do you wish you’d done less of? Spending
18.How did you spend Christmas in 2008? See previous blogs
19.Did you fall in love in 2008? nah
20.What was your favorite TV program? Heroes and LOST and Earl
21.Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? not hate but definitely don't really like anymore
22.What was the best book you read? The Choice by Nicolas Sparks
23.What was your greatest musical discovery? David Cook ...
24.What did you want and not get? so many things - but mostly a new phone
25.What was your favorite film of this year? Juno or 27 Dresses stand out
26.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? That was a busy day: first went to pick up auntie to go to Olive's memorial service; then over to my folks' to take pictures of my dog, Cassie; then to my housesitting house to go swimming with Caylyn, Angela and Shelly; then to Javi's for dinner with Kenny, Teri, Matt, and Danae; then to Wellington's for drinks and general frivolity. It was great!
27.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably better?
If a certain someone would have felt the same way and another certain someone would have not been such a jerk.
28.How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Preppy and business casual, classy, lots of black
29.What kept you sane?
Holy Spirit and friends who were there to listen
30.What political issue stirred you the most?
I think the whole presidential race made me contemplate the future more than I ever have before.
31.Who did you miss?
Angela, no doubt
32.Who was the best new person you met?
I've gained quite a few new people in my life that I treasure. Surprisingly, Donna my officemate is someone I never would have sought out on my own but she's become a fun part of my workday.
33.What are your resolutions for 2009? See upcoming blog!
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? They were more like promises to myself - that reminds me, I need to close those out and start a new list. Hmm. let's see - I did take at least one class every semester at MJC and I did read at least one book a month throughout the year. It really got me back into reading for pleasure instead of homework or work bonus assignments.
3.Did anyone close to you give birth? No one close, but there were a lot of babies born.
4.Did anyone close to you die? :( My good friend and a personal role model, Olive Lindquist. I loved that lady. My great uncle died too but I wasn't as close to him as I am to his wife who I see 3-4 times a month.
5.What countries did you visit? Just the USA this year. But, one of my '09 promises will be to get my stinkin passport!
6.What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? the house, a boyfriend/relationship would be nice!
7.What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?May 22nd when I lost my job, June 20th at my birthday party, June 27th when a guy I know tore up his friendship card with me (it was already ripped), Aug 14 when Angela moved to Alaska :( and Sept when I finally spoke up about my feelings, November when I met some of my favorite daytime actors.
8.What was your biggest achievement of the year? Gaining 6 more college units, speaking up, getting my new job and passing my insurance exam, and getting the guts to buy a house.
9.What was your biggest failure? Not keeping up with friends as well as I used to.
10.Did you suffer illness or injury? Oye, I had a horrible allergic reaction, a couple of colds and the flu that was awful!!
11.What was the best thing you bought? hopefully a house!
12.Where did most of your money go? clothes, food, bills, car
13.What did you get really, really, really excited about? Getting the new job
14.What song will always remind you of 2008? LOW by Flo-Rida!! LOL!!
15.Compared to this time last year, are you:
(a) Happier or Sadder? Same
(b) Thinner or Fatter? fatter. bleh.
(c) Richer or Poorer? poorer
16.What do you wish you’d done more of? Paid off stuff, read my bible.
17.What do you wish you’d done less of? Spending
18.How did you spend Christmas in 2008? See previous blogs
19.Did you fall in love in 2008? nah
20.What was your favorite TV program? Heroes and LOST and Earl
21.Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? not hate but definitely don't really like anymore
22.What was the best book you read? The Choice by Nicolas Sparks
23.What was your greatest musical discovery? David Cook ...
24.What did you want and not get? so many things - but mostly a new phone
25.What was your favorite film of this year? Juno or 27 Dresses stand out
26.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? That was a busy day: first went to pick up auntie to go to Olive's memorial service; then over to my folks' to take pictures of my dog, Cassie; then to my housesitting house to go swimming with Caylyn, Angela and Shelly; then to Javi's for dinner with Kenny, Teri, Matt, and Danae; then to Wellington's for drinks and general frivolity. It was great!
27.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably better?
If a certain someone would have felt the same way and another certain someone would have not been such a jerk.
28.How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Preppy and business casual, classy, lots of black
29.What kept you sane?
Holy Spirit and friends who were there to listen
30.What political issue stirred you the most?
I think the whole presidential race made me contemplate the future more than I ever have before.
31.Who did you miss?
Angela, no doubt
32.Who was the best new person you met?
I've gained quite a few new people in my life that I treasure. Surprisingly, Donna my officemate is someone I never would have sought out on my own but she's become a fun part of my workday.
33.What are your resolutions for 2009? See upcoming blog!
Friday, January 9, 2009
"As a courtesy"
Wednesday night I checked my bank account to make sure all my recent transactions had posted and I had enought money to cover all my bills. Yep, I did with a little to spare. Imagine my surprise when I check the next day and I have less than $0...uh, excuse me? How can I be negative when I was positive yesterday and nothing else went through??? Why did I get hit with overdraft fees??
So I went to the bank. I asked nicely to talk to someone about the fees and why I was charged them. The snotty girl said, "oh I can tell you". Alright Miss Smartypants let's look.
We sit down at her desk and type in my info. Up pops a screen showing all of my recent transaction, all which posted loooong before yesterday. One was from Sunday! She was quiet then said, "hmmm...I can't see where you were overdrawn." To which I thought...Ya, I know.
Well, she goes and talks to her assistant manager in the other room for - I'm not kidding - ten minutes.
She comes back in and says that they both looked at my account and can't figure out why I was charged those fees so 'as a courtesy' they would reverse them. Oh, how courteous to remove something that was your mistake, people!
I thanked her and walked away with a smile on my face. It's these little wins that keep me from going a little crazy sometimes. Having a clean bank statement is huge during the escrow process. Any kind of blemish looks bigger under the underwriting microscope.
So I went to the bank. I asked nicely to talk to someone about the fees and why I was charged them. The snotty girl said, "oh I can tell you". Alright Miss Smartypants let's look.
We sit down at her desk and type in my info. Up pops a screen showing all of my recent transaction, all which posted loooong before yesterday. One was from Sunday! She was quiet then said, "hmmm...I can't see where you were overdrawn." To which I thought...Ya, I know.
Well, she goes and talks to her assistant manager in the other room for - I'm not kidding - ten minutes.
She comes back in and says that they both looked at my account and can't figure out why I was charged those fees so 'as a courtesy' they would reverse them. Oh, how courteous to remove something that was your mistake, people!
I thanked her and walked away with a smile on my face. It's these little wins that keep me from going a little crazy sometimes. Having a clean bank statement is huge during the escrow process. Any kind of blemish looks bigger under the underwriting microscope.
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