This is an email I sent out to my women's small group last night at about 11:03 - 10 minutes later I got the call that he passed away. I will miss him terribly but the truth is I was already missing him. Now he is at peace and is probably bugging God about what He wants done around the gardens!
Hi all, I know you've all heard me talk about my grandpa and have prayed for him from time to time. As you know, he is very special to me and I love being able to visit with him weekly. In mid-January we celebrated his 89th birthday. He was in the best of moods and was very happy to be around all of his family and a few friends.
Since then, we have watched his health and mental capacity deteriorate. He consistently gets frustrated by his lack of independence and his inability to speak or eat due to the mouth cancer surgery he had two years ago. The last two visits I had with him, he showed signs of great confusion. His doctor confirmed that he has developed dementia. He also has told us all that he wants to just give up.
On Saturday, he had a fall and fractured his hip. We took him to the hospital and he has since been admitted. A CT scan found a large aortic aneurysm. There is no guarantee that he would even make it through surgery nor would we want to put him through any more procedures. At this point, we are treasuring the time we have left with him be it days, weeks or longer.
I went by to visit him tonight. He was resting but I could tell he is very weak. He is not eating and we know he just wants to go Home to be with God. His doctor has asked the hospital to make him as comfortable as possible. My family is ready to say good-bye and we're happy for him to soon be free of pain and limitations.
For now, life goes on as usual - staying positive that God's timing is perfect.
It's strange, you know we've been talking about God's promptings and I know for a fact that in those promptings is discernment. When I visited my grandpa in December, I walked out of his room with a strong sense that he wouldn't last more than three more months. I know God prepared me for this reality so that I could be strong.
I have been blessed to call this man my Grandpa. I've often said I have the cutest Grandpa in the world! He's been a wonderful example of a loving husband, father and man of God to me. Thank you all for being there for me. I hope to see you all at bible study tomorrow night. If I don't make it, know that I'll be with you in spirit! :)
Oh Krista I'm so sorry...
My dog, your grandpa, and the guy I work with's father in law. That's 3. No more God, okay?
I'm here if you need someone to talk to go have coffee with.
There was a 4th, Dewey Green (of Winton-Ireland, Strom and Green) died at 3:30 this morning. He was 92. It was a pretty somber day around the office today.
Oh Krista, I'm so sorry. I know that it is so hard to lose a grandparent you are close to, but I also understand the sense of peace that you have knowing that he is where we are ALL meant to be someday...
I'll be praying for you and your family.
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