Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Life in Song

This looked fun! I'm using U2 songs (and album titles)

Using only song titles (covers count) from only one artist, cleverly answer these questions.

1. Are you male or female: Big Girls Are Best

2. Describe yourself: One Step Closer

3. How do you feel about yourself: Running to Stand Still

4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: The Refugee

5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

6. Describe your current location: Where the Streets Have No Name

7. Describe where you want to be: In God's Country

8. Your best friends are: Sweetest Thing

9. Your favorite color is: Indian Summer Sky

10. You know that: Some Days Are Better Than Others

11. What's the weather?: Beautiful Day

12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: When I Look At the World

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