It's funny. I've seen countless doctors in my life, but only recently did I find out I have two medical issues that I never knew about. It's interesting that, for some reason, these tidbits of info never quite got communicated to me. These aren't major issues per se, just...interesting.
1. I have a heart murmur. It's a little one, but it's there. At first it freaked me out 'cause I'm what you call a freaker-outer at times. You know who found it? A physician's assistant. But, at 34 years old you'd think that someone would have told me before now. So today I saw another doctor (my plastic surgeon - more about that next time) and she needed to listen to my heart. I asked her if she heard it. She said yes, it's little, no worries. I'm not freaked out about it anymore.
2. I'm allergic to penicillin. About 15 years ago I had a sinus infection. The only time I ever needed antibiotics in my life. I was prescribed a penicillin generic (I think) and developed a rash almost immediately. I called the doctor who called the pharmacy and got a different prescription. Well, 15 years later, every time I go to the doctor they ask me if I'm allergic to any medications. I always would say, I think I'm allergic to an antibiotic, but I don't know which one. You can imagine the looks and scoldings I get when they tell me I should find that out. So I called my old doctor and my old pharmacy. The pharmacy couldn't help me since their records didn't go back that far. My doctor's office never called me back and well...I kind of forgot about it. FF to yesterday. My surgeon asked me to find out so she could prescribe an antibiotic for after my surgery. So, today I went to my new doctor's office. I told them the situation and they went to the file room. Five minutes later (so fast!), the nurse came out and handed me a slip of paper that said 'positive for Penicillin'. I couldn't believe how easy that was!
So, what's this about surgery? I'm having breast reduction surgery in four days. I'm going from DDD+ to hopefully close to a D. I've been large chested all my life, starting at age 10 I was a B cup. By 7th grade I was a C and by 9th or 10th I was a D. They've been growing fairly steadily since then. I have all of the 'symptoms' of large breasts. Indents in my shoulders from the straps, frequent headaches, recurring back pain, that irritating rash underneath, difficulty finding clothes that fit, poor self image, etc. You get the idea. For the past five years, every day I look in the mirror and think I look absolutely horrible. I had a boyfriend once that said that he liked them but they were huge. He's the only man that I've been that close with and the only one who has experienced the massive creatures. I felt sooo insecure the entire time we went out because of them. My chest has been the topic of many jokes and comments. I feel like everyone is staring at them. So, I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'll update a few days after to journal my experiences.
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