Thursday, January 4, 2007


Hi. I'm Krista. I'm also called brownkrista, #1, tall person, krista j, but really - I'm just plain ole' Krista. I started this blog to be able to chronicle my thoughts and photos. My friend A has one and always shows me her cool posts and I keep thinking, I gotta get me one of those things. So here I am, I did it. I have another one but I don't like it as much. All my friends know about that one. We'll see how long it takes for them to find this one.

The title of my blog is It's Always Something. You might ask what I mean. I'll tell you I don't know but there's always something going on in my life, something I'm stressing about, something I'm wishing for, some kind of drama, something that I learned about myself or know some...thing....

don't ask if you don't have a plan
So, here we go. I'll start with the obvious thing. Yes I'm 34, yes I'm single, yes I want to marry, yes I'm cool, no I don't know why no one has snatched me up yet, no I don't have kids, yes I think I may want one, no I will not lower my standards. whew...You may think I'm being too hard on myself but really I've had to answer all of those questions plenty of times. I know it's just curiousity of people, but seriously if you're going to ask me, at least have an idea in mind. Like my friend V. Here's our conversation:

V: What kind of man do you like?
Me: A Christian, employed, breathing, intelligent, baby-faced, funny and built like a football player.
V: I know a guy that would be perfect for you. My friend M.
Me: Thanks V, but I hear that all the time.
V: No, he's great. You should meet him. Come to my church and I'll introduce you.
Me: Okay, but won't that be a little awkward? You know, when people ask me why I attended, I say, well there's this guy....
V: Ah, we'll tell them that you are just visiting and leave it at that.
Me: Cool, sure why not. Let's plan on it.

Now, I love V as a person. I love her for being the reason I know M today. But her follow thru at matchmaker - that stunk. Yes, I attended and yes I got to meet him. That was two or three years ago. In that time, I attended when I could - maybe 5 times. She never really helped after that. Never invited me over when he was coming over. Wanted to get me involved but then never followed thru. argh. So, being the wonderfully beautiful girl I am I pursued him you might say. In fact, he and I are good friends now. I think we're a bit on the verge really. But, it all came about by me actually jumping ship at my old church (there were other factors we won't talk about now) and I've started to attend her church every week.

Something I learned - friends may know what to do but sometimes they don't know how to do it.

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