The best are those that no matter how long it's been since you've spoken, you always have something to talk about.
Nothing feels strained. Nothing is too touchy to talk about. You don't worry what that person is really thinking about you or how they are judging you. You can trust that whatever you say to them can be held in confidence.
There have been some who have moved categories once or twice or more. Seasons I've heard that called. Some vanish without notice. Some stick around longer than you ever expected. Some surprise you by their transparency.
Jessica is a friend that just seems like she's always been there. I have a few of those. I can't really recall the exact moment we met but I know it was during a period of my life when I really needed a good friend.
She came for a visit this past week. When I opened the door I said, 'there you are!', 'is it you?' or something like that.
Jess is someone I can talk about everything with. She and I share a bond that is hard to put into words. Even though she's married to an awesome guy and has two great kids, we can still talk like girlfriends. I know her strengths and weaknesses and she knows mine. We have similarities and differences - just enough to be interesting!
I love talking to her! She is wise.
She is focused. She is grounded.
She is faithful. She has dreams that are big and a God who is bigger.
I get to see her again at the end of September for her daughter's 1st birthday. I can't wait!!
1 comment:
Ahh, and you are my breath of fresh air. I had fun. I'm sending you something fun. Hope you like it. =)
Love ya and can't wait till you visit. Yay!
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