Saturday, May 3, 2008

I shouldn't be here right now...

Right now, I should be having a blast with my friends from church at our Women's Retreat in Mount Hermon. However, I'm sitting in my big puffy chair with a raging headache and enough nausea to go around for everybody.

First of all, let me warn you this may be TMI can stop reading here. I've got a serious case of food poisoning, that which hasn't been seen ever in this body. I am one of those people that never, ever throw up (maybe 8-10 times in my life) but at the time of this writing, I've thrown up five times). Plus I'm dealing with Aunt Flo who dropped by right around the same time this party started.

It all started with an innocent trip to Red Robin. Now before you sue, no Red Robin did not make me sick, but the leftover freckled lemonade I took from the fridge the next morning did. Sure it tasted good Friday morning even though the strawberries were kind of mushy.

When I left work at 12:00 to go home and pack for my Retreat, I felt fine. When we stopped at Starbucks on the way out of town, I still felt fine. By the time we got to Mount Hermon though...I did not feel fine.

We sat down to dinner, I ate about half of my green salad and a bite from my bread. I had no appetite. We went up to the cabin to put our stuff away and bam - I was tossing my cookies. I started to feel a little better but I convinced no one - think of the little ghost girl from Sixth Sense - "I'm feeling much better now." Eww..

All the other ladies went down to hear the speaker. Of course, I had to throw up yet again since my body thought the first time wasn't enough.

A shower would definitely make me feel better, I reasoned. That went fine, except that I bent over to put my jammies on and well...

I settled into my blankets on the roll away bed. I was able to rest there but with all the snoring that was going on, I couldn't sleep. Iwoke up at 1:30 AND 3:30 because I felt yucky. By 6:30 the next morning I was awake thanks to the morning people in my cabin. I felt pretty good, so I sipped on the Sprite that one of the girls got for me.

We went down to breakfast, but alas five minutes later, I was high-tailing it to the bathroom. yep...again...

I went back to the breakfast table with some chamomile tea and a plain bagel. Surely this would be good for my tummy. That did seem to sit well so I thought I was in the clear.

Now, I slept maybe two hours last night so when one lady said that she would drive home with me if I wanted to go, I said "let's go". We left the beauty of the Santa Cruz mountains at 9:30 and rolled into home a few hours later.

I took a two hour nap, then decided to drink some apple juice and eat some graham crackers. Bad idea - that was trip #5 about an hour ago.

So I'm reduced to just water for now. I still feel like at any moment it could happen again. Let's just say that I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep and a restful day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I hate tossing cookies.

Hope you're feeling better.