Today I went to the gym to get my free one-week pass and make an appt for one personal trainer session. I'm pretty sure the gym thinks I'm going to join, which I probably will just to say I have a gym membership. I'll go simply because I can't bear to pay for something I'm not using. Yeah, I might go once or twice a week, but my goal is 3 or 4 times.
The funny part is, I should have joined one of the four that are within 150 yards of my house a long time ago. It's quite comedic that in a town this size, all of the gyms are within a stone's throw of each other.
So I put on my cute new gym capris and tank top, then set out on the elliptical. However, I started out way too fast and was pretty much feeling it in five minutes. Ouchy on my quads. Next!
In walks a very familiar looking man. I can't place him, which I hate, but I thought he was pretty cute! He and his buddy were treadmilling in no time then they left after a while; I presumed to the weight machines.
Ok where was I? Oh yeah I moved on to the stairclimber. Yeah, I hate that machine. I don't get it. According to the machine I walked seven whole flights of stairs in five minutes. P'shaw. Ridiculously unexciting.
So I moved on to the tried and true treadmill. I have one of these at my house (my sister bought one) so I'm familiar with my training limits and whatnot. I did 25 minutes on that then decided what I really wanted to do was weights upstairs since I could do the treadmill anytime.
And now of course I'm super stinky 'cause I've been aerobic for about 40 minutes. I resigned myself to the fact that everybody is stinky at a gym. :)
I made my way up the stairs to the weight room. There's almost nobody up there. I'm walking around the entire room looking at the labels of the machines to see which ones I needed to shape up my abs and back. Of course I found them - right next to cute guy from downstairs. He and his buddy were finishing up their bench presses then they left again. Random...
So, I worked my abs on two machines, back and deltoids on some others. All in all I spent a good hour at the gym. I can feel the soreness coming on. I figure by Sunday it won't be pretty!
And of course as I was leaving, I have to walk by the pool and guess who? cute guy. Dangit I wish I knew how I know him. It's going to bug me until the next time I see him. Then I'll just ask him who the heck he is.
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