Thanks Courtney for this great idea :)
Where is your cell phone? table
Your significant other? unknown
Your hair? lovely
Your mother? loving
Your father? supportive
Your favorite thing? Starbucks
Your dream last night? roadtrip
Your favorite drink? soda
Your dream/goal? house
The room you're in? living
Your fear? loneliness
Where do you want to be in 6 years? married
Where were you last night? church
What you're not? energized
Muffins? costco
One of your wish items? lottery
Where you grew up? everywhere
The last thing you did? comment
What are you wearing? yoga
Your tv? fuzzy
Your pet? adopted :)
Your computer? laptop
Your life? blessed
Your mood? distracted
Missing someone? friends
Your car? payments
Something you're not wearing? jewelry
Favorite store? penneys
Your summer? crazy
Your favorite color? paprika
When is the last time you laughed? work
Last time you cried? weeks
Your sign? gemini
Three places I go over and over? work, church, starbucks
Three of my favorite foods? chocolate, chinese, mexican
Three places I would rather be right now? bed, beach, out of escrow