It's funny that days, sometimes weeks go by and I don't blog anything. And every day I open up six windows on my computer - myspace, hotmail,,, blogger, and MJC - as my home pages. Some pages get closed right away. Dismissed away for another day.
Myspace is usually my first stop tied with hotmail. Gotta check all my emails and 'important' messages and comments. I always check these. Everyday. Often.
Sparkpeople used to be the place I went every day to track my exercise and/or food. I've really not used it in three months. I've eaten right (and I've eaten wrong) and I've sweated thousands of calories away. But at some point enough is enough. I just don't have the desire to report all of it anymore. I haven't lost any weight though I've noticed more tone. I got a health assessment at my new job (one of those perks). I'm 39% fat which for those of you who want to know, equals 74 lbs of fat. That is not okay. I have no idea what the fat percentage was before I started my healthier living but, well, frankly in six months at my next assessment it better be lower!!!
MJC's site is a constant reminder that I should (depending on where I'm at in the school year/semester): check for new assignments on the blackboard, sign up for classes, check my grades, see what books I'll need, etc. I haven't signed up yet for the upcoming semester but I need to, I really do!
Bank of America - I have that for checking my balance. I don't do it everyday anymore since the bank sends me daily emails. Suppose I should remove that one.
And last and for some reason, least. My blogger sign in. I think I need inspiration or something. I definitely can't blog everyday. I have friends that do so usually when I see my blog home page that prompts me to look at theirs instead! I love reading about their stuff more than writing about my own. I think that some of my stuff is pretty funny and/or interesting but for some reason I don't always feel like writing it down. Honestly I think people would be exhausted if they read about everything that I do.
So never fear, sooner or later I'll get into a groove of writing fantastic accounts of life's happenings!